
Showing posts from 2008


Recently, I find a shocking story about the Cult Culture. The correspondent says “Last Tuesday, 416 shell shocked children were ushered by police on to a row of yellow school buses. The kids- the girls with identical plaited hair and long, hand sewn pastel dresses- were driven through a blue farm gate to temporary shelter 40 miles away. For many it was the first time they had passed through those gates into the outside world. They were transported, subsequent to an investigation began on March29, when a 16 year old girl made a series of calls from a borrowed mobile phone to a counselor. She was already had an eight month old baby and was six month’s pregnant through a 49-year old husband, who already had six wives. Last Sunday a judge issued a warrant, and the affidavit and subsequent court documents have been made public. The investigators found that the girls were “spiritual wives”, a term invented by male members of polygamous sects to circumvent the polygamy law. In one case a 16 y

Fate and Providence

Recently I was going through the and surprised to know that on 27th August 2006 a COM air flight from Lexington to Kentucky took off from the wrong runway that was too short. The Aircraft ran off the end of the runway and crashed killing all but one passenger. There were 50 occupants’ in the flight. It reminded me of a similar accident that took place in India in the year 1978 wherein only one passenger died among 132 occupants. It was a chilly Sunday morning on 17th December1978 an Indian Airlines 737 Boeing on its usual flight from Madras to Delhi, after its scheduled stop over at Hyderabad took off to Delhi. During its take off overran the runway and ploughed through the fields as it could not climb on take off due to technical snag. It was a providential escape for the six crew members and the 126 passengers except one passenger named Mr.Rao. In his anxiety to escape death, Mr. Rao jumped out of the main door and fell on the ground sustained multiple injuries an


I thought before hand to start a blog by naming it as afterthought.But I named it beforehand. Though it is an afterthought to name it beforehand,I am very clear that I want to share through my blog, 25 years of rich and varied experience of working in a Newspaper organisation's Administrative set up.Some of them are juicy and thought provoking and some are interesting.Along with that thoughts on day to day happenings.I hope to be lively.