
Showing posts from March, 2013

Last century's painting adoring the walls of a Friend's house in Karaikudi


You Can't turn a thing upside down if there is no theory about it being the right way up.....G K Chesterton



Black Clouds hovering over the Kodai Lake

Birth of River Vaigai

The Sun go down over the Vaigai Dam Waters The following story is told about the birth of the river Vaigai. Meenakshi, the daughter of a Pandyan king, was an incarnation of  Parvati . From a very young age, she made up her mind to marry Lord  Shiva  and none else. Her family was initially against this but eventually consented to her wish and arranged the wedding. Sundareswara (Siva), being an ascetic, came to the wedding without any family or relatives accompanying him. Disappointed at this, the Pandyan king angrily showed Siva the huge amount of food prepared for the bridegroom's relatives. Siva pointed to a friend he had brought with him saying 'He will consume all the food that you've made'. This friend was a Rakshasa named Kundodhara. After Kundodhara finished all the food that was prepared, He became very thirsty and started asking for water. All the wells and canals in Madurai were not sufficient to quench his thirst. Then, Siva asked Kundodhara to put his ha

Princess of Hill Stations

Inside Kodaikanal Forest Pictures taken at Kodaikanal Forest

No one will ever hit a target that they cannot see

                                                          TRUE SKILL The yogi Raman was a true master of the art of archery. One morning, he invited his favorite disciple to watch a display of his skill. The disciple had seen this more than a hundred times before, but he nevertheless obeyed his teacher.   They went into the wood beside the monastery and when they reached a magnificent oak tree, Raman took a flower which he had tucked in his collar and placed it on one of the branches. He then opened his bag and took out three objects. His splendid bow made of precious wood, an arrow and a white handkerchief embroidered with lilacs. The yogi positioned himself one hundred paces from the spot where he had placed the flower. Facing his target, he asked his disciple to blindfold him with the embroidered handkerchief. The disciple did as his teacher requested. “ How often have you seen me practice the noble and ancient sport of archery? ” Raman asked him. “ Everyday ” , replied h

Make Your Influence Positive

Safari World, Bangkok 

Pictures taken at Bangkok

              In every man's heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty....Christopher Morley Add caption